Tuesday, November 25, 2008

More Ridiculous Cultural Destruction

Ho, ho, nope! FGCU to limit holiday decor | news-press.com | The News-Press

No Christmas decorations in any common grounds allowed on this Florida College campus!

Call President William Bradshaw and let him know what a ridiculous decision he has made. May seem remote and unimportant, but we must begin fighting at every occurrence of the cultural homicide taking place in our colleges.

I called this morning and they seemed a little taken aback. We need to shut down their phone system. We've got very small portions of our population hijacking our country because they are VERY noisy. We need to do the same in defense. It's no longer a question of voting or not, or being informed or not. It's a question of remaining vigilant and active all the time.

Of course you always want to take the high road: be courteous, positive and professional, but let 'em know how you feel.

Call 800 - 590-FGCU (3428), ask for the Presidents Office and let your voice be heard!


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